Understanding The Brake Fluid Flush Process
If you want your car to remain in great shape and as safe as possible, then you must make sure that you are maintaining the brake system. This means having the brake pads and rotors changed and also opting for a brake fluid flush every now and then. Keep reading to learn why you need the flush and also to understand how it is completed.
Why Do You Need A Brake Flush?
A brake flush is when all of the brake fluid is removed from your brake lines and fluid reservoir and is then replaced with fresh fluid. This flushing process is recommended to ensure that the brake fluid is not congested with water. Water tends to enter the brake fluid reservoir and mixes with the brake fluid. The longer you drive your vehicle, the more water can enter the system. When water starts to build, it can cause rust to develop on the insides of the brake lines, and the line can develop a hole and a leak.
To prevent brake line issues, you should be asking for a brake fluid flush about once every 30,000 miles or so. This also may be a good idea if the brake fluid is discolored or if debris is floating in the fluid. Also, if you have already experienced a rusty brake line that requires replacement, then a flush should be completed to make sure that future rust issues are avoided.
How Is The Flush Performed?
The brake fluid flush involves the removal of the brake fluid from the entire braking system. The fluid is forced out through each of the four bleeder screws that sit on the brake calipers. As this happens, the old fluid moves through the main cylinder, through the brake lines, hoses, and calipers to make its way out of the caliper bleeder opening.
Once the brake fluid is emptied, new fluid is added. Since the line is filled with air at this time, the caliper bleeder valves must be used again. The air is forced out of the line as an individual pumps the brake pedal. Once the stream of brake fluid appears clear without the presence of air bubbles, the valves are closed and the reservoir is checked to make sure it is full. Once the brake flush is completed, you may need to top off the brake fluid once you start driving your car, so make sure that you check the reservoir after a few weeks.
For more information about vehicle brake services, contact a local auto shop.