3 Ways To Make An Old RV Look Like New
If you are big into camping but you just don't feel like sleeping in a tent or on the dirt anymore, then it may be time to invest in an RV. However, because RV's are a little bit expensive, they may not fit into your budget. The good news, though, is that you can usually find a used RV for safe for pretty cheap which means that you can get the best of both worlds. Plus, if you are into doing things yourself or if you know someone who does RV body repair, then you can spruce it up in no time. But how? This article will take a closer look at three ways that you can make an old RV look like new.
Fix Rust
One of the very first things that you should do is fix any rust that you have in the exterior of your RV. Rust isn't just going to make your RV look bad but it can cause really bad body damage to your RV's exterior which is the last thing that you want. When you find an RV body repair shop, however, they will usually buff out the rust, patch it, and then seam anything together so that it doesn't look like any work was done.
A New Coat of Paint
Once the rust has been taken care of, then you can have the same body shop do a good pain job on it for you. A new paint job will really help to transform the entire exterior of your RV. And, the fun thing about getting a new paint job done is that you can usually choose whatever paint color you want which is the ultimate way to customize it to make it look like it was made for you.
Get New Upholstery
The gross thing about buying a used RV is that the upholstery will probably be really dirty; especially on things like the benches and couch. Luckily, if you are really good at sewing, you can reupholster everything yourself. Or, you can always find someone that specializes in upholstery so that you can get the job done in almost no time at all.
Now that you know a few ways that you can spruce up an old RV, it may not seem so impossible. Plus, all of these tips will save you a lot of money in the long run which will make it more enjoyable. For more information, consult with an RV body repair shop near you.