Brake Forensics 101: 3 Brakes Issues to Know for Repairs

28 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

After you've been in a car crash, it's to your advantage to have brake forensics done to determine if brake issues were at fault for your crash. Here are some of the common types of brake issues that an auto repair technician will look at. 

Friction Fade

Friction fade occurs when the brake's surface is worn down so much that it doesn't cause enough friction to get the car to stop. You can probably tell if this was an issue in your accident; if you had to press the brake all the way to the ground and didn't experience a lot of slow down, then friction fade is probably part of your problem. 

A couple of parts will probably be repaired in the even of a friction fade issue. For one, you may start with replacing the brake pads to give your brakes an even surface to brake on; if your brake pads don't come together evenly, it may not give your brakes enough surface on which to connect. A similar problem can occur when your brakes' bracing pads are misaligned; they can interfere with how much contact the brake pads get. If your brake shoes are bent in the wrong direction, then the brake pads may wear out unevenly in different spots, which can also cause a loss of contact between brake pads. 

Fluid Fade

Fluid fade is a problem that can happen in hydraulic braking systems, which rely on having an ample amount of fluid to brake smoothly. Thankfully, this problem is easy to diagnose and fix; your mechanic will check the fluid levels and replace if necessary, and also make sure that there is no leak in your hydraulic braking system. 

Domino Fade

Domino fade can also be an issue. When one side of your brakes is more powerful than the other, it can cause your car to spin in an unintended direction, for instance. Your auto repair center will take information on how the car shaved during the accident, as well as assessments of both sides' braking systems, to tell if domino fade was a factor in your accident. To avoid the problem in the future, make sure that each of your braking systems is in a similar state of repair and that they are repaired to the same quality on each side. 

Your collision center will take some time to evaluate all parts that need to be replaced or repaired. The next factor is deciding how much to invest in each replacement part. Your mechanic should help you create a system that is both safe and affordable. 
